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These resources have been developed at the University of Leeds by a multi-disciplinary team including clinical and technical specialists, clinical educators and medical students.

5 in 5

This resource is designed to give you bite-sized updates from our experts about research happening at the University of Leeds and Leeds Teaching Hospitals so you can see what’s happening at the cutting-edge. 

Clinical Skills eBook

A multi-media resource designed as both a learning and reference guide which supports clinical skills teaching throughout our medical degree.


Follow the adventures of your favourite GermBug characters to learn clinical microbiology fast and easy.

Humans of Healthcare

University of Leeds students and senior staff in healthcare to talk about the challenges they have encountered and how they have dealt with them.


A careers resource developed to allow undergraduate medical students to explore the range of career specialties available to them post graduation.

Leeds UltraSound Handbook

A new ultrasound e-book developed by members of the undergraduate ultrasound working group at the School of Medicine at Leeds, UK. (Only available to UoL users)


The PILLS eBook is designed to support and guide your learning in medicines management and prescribing skills at Leeds. These topics are integral to the knowledge and skills you need to practice as a safe and effective medical practitioner.


Used in a blended learning approach to teaching the Paediatric RRAPID programme.

RRAPID eBook and App

Times Higher Education Award winning resources designed to support and enhance the face-to-face simulation teaching delivered in the RRAPID strand of the MBChB curriculum.

Virtual Pathology

Encourages students to explore the different branches of pathology and the numerous techniques used to analyse and report on test samples.

Virtual Radiology

Resources to support teaching conducted within the Radiology Breakfast Club.

Virtual Tours

Provides a walk through of clinical placements undertaken at NHS sites and provides key information to students prior to arrival on placement rotations.