The GermBugs
When you have to learn about lots of bacterial species and all their latin names it can be a bit hard to remember them all, and their names may not help you understand clinical microbiology.
For example, Staphylococcus aureus tells you that the bacteria look like a bunch of grapes (staphylococcus) when seen down a microscope, and that they have a golden colour (aureus) when grown on an agar plate. Not very helpful on the ward.
So, we have made a colour based name structure based on the place on the body where the bacteria normally live.
For example. Green bacteria live in the nose (snot colour of course). Now you know if your patient has an infection by a green bacteria someone was picking their nose.
We’ve then finished the name with something about their character. For example, The Green Explorers travel from the nose all around the body to cause infections.
Students also asked us to use alliteration to create memorable names linked to the scientific name.
For example, Alan aureus represents Staphylococcus aureus.
So, The GermBugs have names like Alan aureus the Green Explorer.
We will tell you stories about these characters, and we hope this will help you understand the concepts of infection, how infections are commonly caused by bacteria on your body and remember microbiology for years to come.
The below cards will take you to more resources about bacteria, and within these cards will be the following kinds of resources:
Interactive E-Learning: Read at your own pace. We have the story version which we suggest you start with first, as students have told us they like to start simple and build up. Then we have a science version which is the story with lots of helpful metaphors and information buttons to help you understand what is going on.
Video: Too tired to read? We have created some voiced scrolling banner images - think the Bayeux tapestry!