About the Radiology Breakfast Club
The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Radiology Breakfast Club (RBC) aims to provide high-quality and focused radiology teaching to final year medical students, especially in preparation for the Final MB examination and the Foundation Year.
In the last few decades, clinical radiology has assumed an increasingly important role in patient management, and it is, therefore, essential for the newly qualified doctor to be aware of some key concepts of medical imaging. These include knowledge of how to use radiological investigations appropriately and basic interpretation skills for chest, abdominal and skeletal radiographs.
The Virtual Radiology development team (LTHT Radiologists and LIME (TEL team) staff) were recent finalists in the Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust ‘Time to Shine’ Awards for their work developing this Virtual Radiology site.
Shortlisted in the category ‘Educator of the Year/Education Team of the Year’, they received a Highly Commended Award.
This promotional video was used as part of their submission.
Leeds Radiology Academy
The RBC teaching is based on the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) Undergraduate Curriculum (2012) and is delivered in interactive, face-to-face small-group tutorials. The series of 8 focused teaching events is led by experienced consultant radiologists, with the teaching cycle repeated thrice per Academic year. Teaching is carried out at the Leeds and West Yorkshire Radiology Academy, situated on B Floor of the Jubilee Wing at the LGI. You can have a virtual tour of the facility here.